Page 143 - Venturaline Catalog 2023
P. 143

CAMERA-READY ARTWORK IS NOT:                                                    FREIGHT CHARGES:

Copies, Hand sketches, FAX Transmissions, poorly printed stationery,            Shipping weights shown in this catalog are approximations only. Billed
business cards, letter head, decals, photo copies and laser print less than     shipping weights for items packed in oversized boxes may vary from actual
600 DPI are NOT considered CAMERA-READY ARTWORK. If any of the above            shipping weight. Other variances may occur from product density, packag-
mentioned artwork is provided, and any retracting, redrawing or reworking       ing and dimensional shipping weight based on carrier guidelines. Factory
has to be done, the following charges apply (v):                                is not responsible for differences in final freight charges versus quoted
Typesetting                                 N/C
Drum Scanning                               $75.00 per photo                    SHIPPING:
Halftone Screens (Black& White photos)      $40.00 per photo
Color Separation (Photos & Transparencies)  $75.00 per photo                    The F.O.B. point is Texas, 78840 or F.O.B. Factory. Please specify mode of
Custom Artwork & Retouch                    $50.00 per hour                     shipment desired. If no specific shipping instructions are given, the follow-
                                                                                ing guidelines will be followed:

FULL COLOR IMPRINTS:                                                            1-200 lbs.- United Parcel Service will be used throught the continent and
                                                                                Canada. Shipments to Alaska Hawaii, and Puerto Rico will be by UPS Air
Full color imprints are only available on offset printed products. A color      Service or U.S. Postal Service.
proof (such as chromalin, color key, photo or printed piece) must also be       200 lbs. and over - UPS Hundreweight Service or Truck.
provided for press matchwing. Factory has no liability for final product
appearance unless proofs have been ordered and approved prior to pro-
duction. See back page for art requirements.

PLATE CHARGES:                                                                  Unless specific shipping instructions are noted on a order, Factory reserves
                                                                                the right to ship by the mode determined to be most desirable. Factory re-
The first plate is included on most items. See individual product page.         serves the right to ship by the mode determined to be most desirable. Fac-
There is one plate charge per additional imprint color of $25.00(v) for offset  tory reserves the right to use whatever means possible to accomplish dead-
printed products.                                                               line use date, when the customer cannot be contacted and/or no shipping
                                                                                method is given. For overnight shipments factory requires your airfreight
COLOR/COPY CHANGES:                                                             number or your client’s account numbers to bill direct. Factory makes every
                                                                                effort to meet customer’s requested ship date. However, factory cannot be
For offset printed products add $25.00(v) per change per copy or color.         held responsible if carrier delays delivery.
See individual product page for minimum quantity. Copy change does not
apply to change of logos or other special. designs. To receive combined         1 Drop Shipment locations:  $5.00(v) per location
quantity pricing the item, size, colors and shape must be the same.             2 Export Shipment:          $5.00(v) each
                                                                                3 Postal Shipment:          $5.00(v) plus postage
LAYOUT:                                                                         4 Special Handling:         Quoted per job
                                                                                5 Split Shipments:          $10.00(v) per date
Factory will layout copy to best fit image area unless camera-ready artwork

is provided.

PROOFS:                                                                         LIABILITY CLAIMS:

Proof prices listed below do not include art charges. There will be no          All merchandise becomes the customer’s property upon delivery to the
additional art charges for an order placed after approval of actual product     carrier. Lost Shipment claims must be made in writing within ten (10) days
proofs. Proof/Sample approval must be writing or production delay may           of the ship date. Damaged shipment claims must be made directly with the
occur. Factory will supply a proof for any order it deems necessary at N/C      carrier.
for layout and/or color for information only even if is not requested. Factory
is not liable for final product appearance unless a proof has been request-     COUNTRY OF ORIGIN:
ed. The following types of proofs are available (v).
                                                                                Most products are made in Mexico. Country of origin marking on the prod-
Proof (faxed or e-mailed):                  N/C                                 uct can be avoided by supplying a marking waiver letter. Contact customer
                                                                                service for more information.
Digital Proof:                              $40.00 per proof
Press Sheet:                                $25.00 per proof
                                                                                All random sample request will be shipped within 72 hours after request.
Actual Product Sample - Offset:             $30.00 per proof                    Samples will be shipped ground unless otherwise requested. Expedited
                                                                                service requires your carrier account number or your credit card number.
Actual Product Sample - Silkscreen/Pad printed: $40.00 per proof                Overruns request have to be stated on the order and will be billed accord-
For custom shape products, any changes to dies may incur multiple die
                                                                                TRADEMARK AND COPYRIGHT:
                                                                                The customer accepts full responsability for claims or litigation arising
SILKSCREEN/PAD PRINTING:                                                        from alleged infringement of trademarks or copyrights on any requested
                                                                                design(s) or copy. In some cases a release letter may be required.
Refer to individual product page for standard imprint colors. PMS color
matches are provided as a guide for color, however exact matches cannot         PHOTOGRAPHY:
be guaranteed. Exact color matches cannot be guaranteed on re-runs or
proofs. Not all standard imprint colors are suitable for all products. Actual   Logos used in this catalog are for illustrative purposes only. They do not
appearance of imprint colors may vary if they are printed on backgrounds        imply endorsement, nor are any items with these specific logos for sale
other than white. Double hit is recommended for better ink coverage when        to anyone other than parties expressly authorized by the owner of such
printing light ink color on dark-colored fabric (e.g. mouse pads). Please call  designs.
for details and pricing. A registration variance of +/- 1/32” may occur with
multiple color imprints and must be consideres acceptable registration.         WARRANTY:

SPECIAL COLORS:                                                                 Factory will replace merchandise if defect is in materials, manufacturing
                                                                                or printing. Except for such replacement, the manufacture, printing, sale or
For each metallic or day-glow imprint or background color include one           subsequent handling of these products is without warranty or liability, even
                                                                                if such defects, damage or loss, is caused by negligence or other fault.
additional running charge.
                                                                                Pricing subject to change without notice.

Due to the nature of manufacturing, it is not always possible to produce the
exact number of items ordered. Therefore, all orders are subject to a 5%
over or under run and will be shipped and billed accordingly.

                                            Please see website for current prices
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