Page 142 - Venturaline Catalog 2023
P. 142


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:                                                             RE-ORDERS:
All orders will be acknowledged via fax. Please advise customer service       Plates and artwork are kept on file for 3 years from the last order date.
immediately of any changes and/or correction that have to be made. All        Re-orders must contain the customer number, P.O. number and/or
changes must be made in writing.                                              factory job number plus a copy of the artwork to ensure correct artwork
                                                                              is used. If no copy of artwork is supplied, factory will email a proof at N/C
ARTWORK RETURN POLICY:                                                        for verification. It is the customer’s responsibility to contact customer
Artwork will be returned if clearly requested on the purchase order or        service immediately after receiving the proof if a discrepancy exists. If no
requested in writing. Artwork will be shipped via UPS ground. Distributor     confirmation by the factory is received, factory is not liable for final imprint
is responsible for freight charges.                                           of product. Artwork CANNOT be transferred from one customer’s file to
                                                                              another without the written permission from the original customer and/or
CANCELLATION:                                                                 owner of the original artwork.
All cancellations have to be in writing. Phone cancellations are not
acceptable. Cancellation charges are determined by the amount of work         RUSH ORDERS:
completed at time of cancellation. Minimum charge is $20.00(z) plus any       Orders which are needed sooner than the standard production time must
other cost incurred.                                                          clearly indicate the event date, ship date and shipping method on the
                                                                              purchase order. Production starts after approval of credit, art and/or proofs.
COMPUTING SQUARE INCHES:                                                      Camera ready/approved artwork must be provided. Rush orders need prior
The area for custom shape products is measured by multiplying the             approval from the factory. Contact our sales department for rush service
maximum height by the maximum width. (EX. 3.5” high X 2.5” wide =             on large quantities. Rush fees are based on receiving order and art by
8.75 sq. inches).                                                             11:00am cst. The following rush charges are subject to order quantity(v).

CONFIRMATION:                                                                 Next Day  $150.00
All confirming orders must be clearly marked “CONFIRMATION”. Factory          2 days    $90.00
is not responsible for duplication if not clearly indicated.                  3 days    $60.00
                                                                              4 days    $50.00
CONSECUTIVE NUMBERING:                                                        5 days    $35.00
The set-up charge for consecutive numbering is $50.00(v). Items are not       6 days    $20.00
packed in order. If “in order” packing is required, please contact customer
service for a quote. Production time for consecutive numbering orders         RETURNED CHECK POLICY:
is 10 working days.                                                           There is a $40.00(z) charge for any returned check. Terms may be
                                                                              changed to prepayment with a Cashier’s Check or Money Order only for
CO-OP PROGRAMS:                                                               all future orders.
Please contact our sales department for information. All Co-ops must be
factory authorized to insure proper billing. Purchase orders must indicate    TERMS:
co-op program and co-op quote number when submitted, if not, standard         Payment terms are 1%-10, Net 30 with approved credit. First order requires
catalog charges will apply.                                                   either full payment in advance or 50% with order, balance pending on
                                                                              approved credit. A 1.5% monthly service charge will be assessed on all
LESS THAN MINIMUM:                                                            invoices not paid within terms. Funds must be in U.S. dollars. Factory
Less than minimum not available unless otherwise stated.                      accepts Master Card, Visa and Discover. Accounts not in good standing
                                                                              may be subject to prepayment of orders.
All prices are F.O.B. factory and are subject to change. Please log on        CAMERA-READY ARTWORK:
to for current pricing or pre-arranged pricing or         ‘Camera-ready’ refers to art and copy that is ready to be transferred to film
quotes. Customers will be notified in writing of any price discrepancy,       without any retouching. Retouching includes art that has to be retraced,
which must be confirmed by the customer in writing, or production delay       redrawn or reworked on the computer or by an artist. Images or type should
may occur. If no confirmation from customer is received, shipment or          be in black on a clean white background with at least 600 DPI (dots per
billing will be considered final. Between column pricing is based on the      inch). If artwork consists of several colors, a separate piece of art has
next lower quantity. For example, orders calling for 175 pieces will be       to be supplied for each color along with a composite. Images have to be
priced at the 100-piece price; orders calling for 750 pieces will be priced   in exact position and to size or larger of the product imprint area. Colors
at the 500-piece price. Contact factory for quantities larger than shown in   have to be marked on each piece of artwork. Original art is reproduced
catalog. Prices in this catalog are effective February 1, 2018.               using a high-resolution drum scanner. Any imperfection in the submitted
                                                                              camera-ready artwork will appear on the final product. Customer service
SELF PROMOTIONS:                                                              will notify customer if camera-ready artwork needs corrections or if new art
Items for self promotions will be billed at the end quantity price. Imprint   has to be submitted. Factory is not liable for final product appearance of
must contain same company name as on the purchase order. Other                customer’s submitted artwork if corrections are needed but not authorized.
catalog prices apply.
                                                                              COMPUTER ART:
PRODUCTION TIME:                                                              No art charge will be applied if camera-ready artwork is supplied on disk or
Standard production time for most items is 5-7 working days. Order and        e-mailed. All artwork (logos and copy) must be complete and in the exact
Art must be received by 11:00am cst. Production begins AFTER proof            position required. Artwork provided by e-mail or on disk must be vectorized
and credit approval. If samples are needed, production time will start after  for spot colors; otherwise products will be run as four-color process. All
written approval of such. If credit has not been established, production      fonts must be provided with the art, or type must be converted to path.
will start after receipt of payment or prior arrangements have been made.     If factory has to vectorize raster art, additional art charges may apply.
Rush service is available on most items. Contact our sales department
for production schedule on large quantities.

No quotes will be honored unless in writing. Factory is not responsible for
errors on a verbal quote where written confirmation is not received prior
to production. Please reference quote number and date on order. Quotes

are valid for 90 days from date of issue.

     Please see website for current prices
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